Every human voice is as unique as its owner. Each is singularly unique in the range of timbres, colors, pitch and speech patterns it can produce. And each combination of these elements creates a unique vocal imprint. There are seven billion people on this planet, and seven billion unique voices. Just think of how often you can identify someone by the sound of their voice alone!

For this reason, our voices are deeply tied into our sense of self. It is an essential and integral piece of how we understand ourselves. Imagine waking up one morning, only to find you didn’t recognize the sound of your own voice. For many, it would be destabilizing, and profoundly impact their sense of self. For example, when a singer experiences a vocal change due to age, illness or hormonal shifts, it can lead to intense distress. More than once, I’ve had students navigating vocal changes say things like, “I don’t recognize myself anymore” or “I feel like I’ve lost part of myself.” Feelings of loss, confusion, fear, and the sense that they are no longer complete are common. Vocal changes can cause psychological rifts that are difficult to mend.

Feelings such as these are compounded in transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals. For example, when a transgender individual’s voice does not match their gender identity, the sound of their voice can aggravate gender dysphoria: “a state of severe distress or unhappiness caused by feeling that one’s gender identity does not match one’s sex as registered at birth” (Oxford Dictionary). In addition, a voice or speaking style that misgenders a person can put them at risk for mental health issues, discrimination or even violence.

So, what is Gender Affirming Voice Care?

It is care that involves treatments to help transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals “adapt their voices to achieve communication patterns that match their gender identity” (Mayo Clinic). Aligning a person’s voice with their gender identity begins with vocal instruction. This may include exercises, feedback, recording and practice, either with an instructor or on one’s own with videos. Instruction includes analysis of the following:

  • Vocal pitch: how high or low the person’s voice is, and how it varies as they speak
  • Resonance: how space in the nose, mouth and throat affect the sound of the voice
  • Intonation: the flow of louder or softer sounds when speaking
  • Air flow and breathing: “breathiness” in a person’s voice
  • Articulation: how clearly the person creates distinct sounds and words

Why Does It Matter?

As a voice teacher, I help singers of all kinds explore, develop, and build loving relationships with their voices. Learning to love your voice is a powerful form of self-acceptance. As a singer, I understand how significantly one can link voice to identity. Understanding and embracing your identity is the bedrock of moving through the world with confidence and assurance.

In my 15+ years of teaching, I’ve seen firsthand how constructive vocal care in a safe environment can give people agency over their own voice, helping them to feel empowered in their own lives and the world around them. So, I feel strongly that ALL people must have equal access to the kind of care they need. Gender affirming voice care can help transgender and gender diverse people integrate their voices and sense of identity. It can help them be seen for who they are and can assist powerfully in transition.

Speech language pathologists, voice therapists and singing voice specialists have long been employed to assist cisgendered people in using their voices effectively, efficiently, and healthfully. Transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals require a different kind of care, but it is equally important. The goal of care – to help people find their true voice, and to use it sustainably over their lifetime.

Consider Working With Us

At Cantabile School, we believe that gender affirming voice care should be easy to find, easy to access and regarded with the same importance and respect as all other kinds of voice care. As such, we are proud and privileged to have a gender affirming voice specialist on our faculty, Dr. Elektra Voyante. Dr. Voyante is an exceptionally talented and credentialed vocal teacher and coach, with many years of experience helping transgender and gender diverse clients navigate voice transition. If you would like to begin your journey with us, please consider signing up for a trial lesson with Dr. Voyante.


AFFIRMING (v): state as a fact; assert strongly and publicly.

CISGENDER (adj): denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex registered for them at birth; not transgender.

GENDER NON-CONFORMING (adj): denoting or relating to a person whose behavior or appearance does not conform to prevailing cultural and social expectations about what is appropriate to their gender.

NON-BINARY (adj): denoting, having, or relating to a gender identity that does not conform to traditional binary beliefs about gender, which indicate that all individuals are exclusively either male or female.

TRANSGENDER (adj): denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity does not correspond with the sex registered for them at birth.

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